Mom Life Loved

When I was pregnant with J, I had a vision of how mom life was going to be - simple, easy to learn and manage. I was confident that I was going to rock at being a mom. I was excited for the new life growing in me and could not wait.

Then J was born.

My expectations did not align with my reality.
It was a struggle. I lost my identity.

It was not simple, easy to learn, or easy to manage. Rather, it was the hardest challenge that I have ever met. I loved this new baby to pieces, but I no longer loved myself.

In that struggle, I learned to find my own identity again. I no longer described myself as an accountant, runner, volleyball player, coach, gardener. I learned to identify as mom.

Mom Life is hard. Let me say that again - IT IS HARD. But, if you can find yourself somewhere in there, then you can learn to love it.

Mom Life Loved.
