Birth Story J

I was 27 years old and 42 weeks pregnant.

H (husband) and I arrived at the hospital at 8 A.M. for my scheduled, past the due date induction. I was nervous and completely beside myself in anticipation of what was to come. I had some knowledge of the birth process, thanks to a very useful and really interesting college course - Human Embryology. However, I was not sure how I would handle the pain. My plan was to do a medication free labor and delivery. I had a nurse midwife and the hospital offered water births.

There was only one induction attempt (suppository) that continued to progressed smoothly so no additional medication was needed during labor and delivery. I was able to use multiple positions to labor -- walking, squatting, bouncing on a birthing ball, and even taking a bath in the afternoon to re-energize -- with the most time spent on the birthing ball. I only laid on the bed during exams by my midwife.

My water broke around 4:30 pm (the same day) and things moved quickly after that. At 6:30, I was ready to be moved to the birth tub. The hospital had the tub in a separate room and I had to walk myself there. This was a very...long...walk. Imagine the worst pain you have ever felt. Now imagine having to walk through that pain, stopping every other step to double over, although not really being able to double over due to a beach ball in your belly. Yeah, that was me.

I entered the birth tub at about 6:50, while it is still being filled. As the nurses were finishing filling the water, my body had the undeniable urge to push. I started pushing at 7:00 PM. I think my guttural moans could be heard throughout the entire labor and delivery wing. Don't worry, there was no swearing; it was only a long, low, deep belly groan while pushing through contractions. Side note - I believe I learned that from throwing (discus/javelin) in college track and field. My mantra was one more contraction. Just one more contraction until I see my baby. Just one more.

Baby J arrived about 25 minutes later. He was born wide eyed. I remember looking down in the tub while he was still under water and seeing him look right back at me. The midwife brought him out of the water, but baby J didn't initially take a breath. The midwife rubbed him with her hands. Baby J's eyes got big and we heard a huge, audible gasp. That was it. He was looking all around with his eyes, but he never cried.

I had wanted delayed cord clamping, but I was informed that I needed to move to the bed because there was too much blood in the water and something was wrong. J needed to be cut from the cord so that I could move. The midwife did the honors since H didn't want to cut the cord.

Baby J was examined next to my bed while the nurses tried to stop my bleeding. They were not able to stop it immediately and I got an emergency IV line that administered pictocin. I lost consciousness from the blood loss. My body was beaten.

Losing consciousness is hard to describe. My mind went completely blank - no thought, worry, memory, or feeling of emotions or pain....just black nothingness. I remember coming back to consciousness and thinking I just had the best rest I will ever experience.

Anyway, after all that, I think I accomplished what I wanted - a med free labor and delivery. Baby J was born healthy and passed all his health screenings. I did recover, although a bit more slowly due to the hemorrhages and tears.

But really, it all was worth it. My heart truly didn't know what it was missing until Baby J arrived.

Baby J: 10 lbs 3 oz. 22 inches long
